HOME – Chile 04.12. – 20.12.2014
In cooperation with our partner University UDD and the Fundación Cultural de Providencia the global project hit its fourth continent. After a nine years break 420 children formed houses out of clay designed after drawings from children in India. The exhibition in the Parque de las Esculturas formed a Tornado...
„geschnitten“ 10.05. to 22.06.2014 Museum Schloss Agathenburg, Stade
The exhibition „geschnitten. Räume mit der Schere gezeichnet“ (cut out. Space drawn with scissors) showes detailed and fine drawings from cut out paper in forms and stories from landscape to buildings, streetlines to ground plots. 6 contemporary artists underline the presence of paper cuts long after its start with Biedermeier silhouettes.
Kunst und Raum 21.05.2014 / 2 - 9 pm Symposium at University of Applied Sciences Mainz
On the occasion of the Day of Interior Architecture we discussed the relation from artist to teacher and art to design with colleges from the school of design and external artists. Participants: Kirstin Arndt, Katja Davar, Stefan Enders, Tina Haase, Heike Kern and Katrin Simons-Kockel, who moderated the discussions.
Spirito del Lago 05.07. bis 30.09.2013 Stresa/Italien
Six sheep houses or house sheep – three mother sheep and three lambs – are staying in a gathering with the sound of an electric fence, 24 hours a day – pulse of time. A sign that farming land is turned into speculative building sites, the closer to the lake shore the more expensive.
Fluxus 50 – live dokumentiert 02.06. – 30.10.2012 Schaufenster Stadtmuseum Wiesbaden
50 years after the first “Festival für Neueste Musik” in Wiesbaden the students of Interior architecture at the FH Mainz were asked to question the historic point of view in a multimedia installation. Not only that the visitor was part of the action but even the roof in front of the townhall extended the exhibition space into the public.
Iceberg 16.05. – 30.09.2010 European Capital of Culture 2010 Essen
During the event of being Cultural Capital of Europe a 500 m3-Iceberg floats over lake Baldeney in Essen. The accessible inside shows data of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute from the antarctica. The little tent will be lighted during the night and nature identical sounds sweap over the lake. Among the Ruhr-atoll will be islands from Kabakov, Katase and Kaufmann.
3:1 – the round has to enter the square 25.04. – 06.06.2010 Everswinkel
10 years after the first show in public space the tiny Westfalian village asked Jan Hoet to curate another group show on rural questions. This time the church clocks were identified as a place of rival to different rural districts.
Global Solution 05.11.09 – 16.01.10 Gallery Seippel Cologne
After the climate discussion on the „Herne Model“ the new installation showed sustainable and sculptural condensations in a new body of works. The marks of global power were imprinted on globes and bonsais while the political action failed in the Copenhagen conference of climate change.
Aurum 14.09. - 30.11.2008 Centre Pasquart Bienne/CH
The works "Swiss Fortune" and "Isolated Application" are shown in the range of international artists such as Thomas Hirschhorn, Ai Weiwei, John Armleder and Jan Fabre. In times of bancrupt banks and unsafe stock exchange markets artists deal with the fascination of a valuable material.
Global Village 14. - 29.06.2008 Soers Aachen
The inoperative and empty gas tank was covered and surrounded by 21 military tents. Every hour on the hour one could hear the actual news in 12 different languages. The fact of military security in safing energy ressources arose with the broadcast.
home bound 15.03. - 15.06.2008 Kunstraum Syltquelle
The house is a symbol for security and homility but even covers emotional stress. The conditions of human domesticity are always tied up with relationships and fears of loss disturbing or even distracting our perception of accomodation.
Swiss Fortune 08.02. - 29.03.2008 Sirupspace Zurich
Switzerland is residing at sirupspace. ... with a golden robe it lays down like an odaliske. Powered by the audiance it lolls gently, suspires, crackles with its artful draped dress and reveals its physical attraction.
The Herne Model 30.05.06 - 30.05.07 Museum of Archeology, Herne / D
Parallel to the thematic exhibition „climate and the human being“ the installation shows an artistic model of what is not to be seen in reality. A massive soundscape, 24 hothouses with individual topics and a natural landscape shows a sculptural experiment to simulate global climate factors. The wall drawing can hardly clear what is incomprehensible.